Headstock Inlay

Haliaeetus alopeciacephalos (The bald eagle)

From the Greek hali- =sea, alētos =eagle, alopicia- = bald, cephalos = head...

This bald eagle headstock inlay has now worked it's way through the workshop, has been united with the correct body, been given a nice shiny protective coat of lacquer, gained some machine heads, a set of strings and finally been packed up and shipped off to the states into the protective custody of her new owner

Bald Eagle Brook Headstock


A lot of brook guitars inlay individualisation has been finished at the workshop recently, a nice oak leaf design, some initials on a heel cap along with a Celtic design based on a customer's pendant & finally a little shinyback victim of the diving blingfisher for BAS (Brook Acquisition Syndrome) sufferer Tony Kerry. You can also find these pictures on the new brook guitars website in the news section along with more pictures of our beautiful guitars.

Always remember you're unique.......just like everyone else
