Guitar related representations of flying entities, we have a wagtail, wren, a buzzard and some dragonflies
Brook Guitars inlay
'Ow do? The name's Barney & I shall be silently hunting Voles, Shrews & Mice...
Some more Tyto Alba action...
Meanwhile, back at the workshop...
Alcedo azurea - the king of the fishers
Haliaeetus alopeciacephalos (The bald eagle)
From the Greek hali- =sea, alētos =eagle, alopicia- = bald, cephalos = head...
This bald eagle headstock inlay has now worked it's way through the workshop, has been united with the correct body, been given a nice shiny protective coat of lacquer, gained some machine heads, a set of strings and finally been packed up and shipped off to the states into the protective custody of her new owner