Logan lockdown...

So, Logan, how are you feeling?

After seven anxiety free weeks of lockdown. Enjoying not having to set, or be rudely woken by an alarm. Enjoying the blissful, creative freedom of having time and being able to dedicate that time to doing what you enjoy, designing and creating inlays while having the option of being able to draw, read, think, cook, walk, garden, listen to music or interesting, intelligent or funny podcasts, learn a language, box-set binge, lose yourself in a game, potter about or simply choose to do none of those things

Well Logan, I know you were enjoying utilising those retractable adamantiium claws to artistically whittle beautiful wooden creations, but it’s now time to get back to the reality of drastically reduced options, optimism and time for any of the activities described. You should also stop believing that any of them beneficially contribute to the living of a more fulfilled human experience. You Logan are not human, you are a mutant, you are immune to this virus, you are Wolverine, so be a good little X-man, once again don that yellow spandex outfit and get wolverining

You don’t look so happy. Think there should be the introduction of a UBI to free creative people…I understand

Stay Alert. Control the virus. Save lives…but also, that economy’s going to need some serious stimulation - which will more than lightly result in not controlling the virus and not saving lives - but hey, stay alert, and if you see that virus, don’t touch it and make sure to tell an adult