Please click on the picture on the left for a close-up

Scroll through the gallery on the right for some in progress pictures



BATMAN Sept 2022

Decided to experiment with a bit of mixed media here with this Batman design, I’m really pleased with the results. The mask/ cape is blue perspex with maple and the background is spalted ash

Size: 164x 164x 13mm

HELLBOY Feb 2022

I found this Hellboy picture on Pinterest and would like to acknowledge the original artist, unfortunately I don’t know who that is? - but thank you anyway for creating this really cool design

I used deep red padauk with some walnut for his coat, the black is ebony and the background is spalted ash

Size: 164x 164x 13mm

BATMAN May 2020

This Batman design is black limba and ebony with a spalted ash background

Size: 164x 164x 13mm


I used imbuia, ebony, beli sapwood and maple for this Wolverine design. He’s inlaid into a spalted ash background

Size: 164x 164x 13mm

HELLBOY Square Jan 2019

Size: 164x 164x 13mm

HELLBOY Square Dec 2018

I decided to revisit this Hellboy design, this time using a square

Size: 164x 164x 13mm

STORM Aug 2024

This Storm from the X=Men design is cut from mahogany, maple and ebony inlayed into a beli background with an ebony border

Size: 175x 85x 10mm

HELLBOY July 2024

I returned to the 16:9 format for the inlays I’ve done so far in 2024, here’s another Hellboy design cut from padauk, walnut and ebony

Size: 175x 85x 10mm


I'm not a huge fan of graphic novels but I do really like the style of Mike Mangola's Hellboy series, I also thought that the two Guillero del Torro Hellboy films were excellent

Rich, deep red padauk is used in this inlay along with maple for the face. The eyes are yew and the jacket is walnut

Size: 175x 85x 10mm


Another Hellboy design cut from padauk, walnut, yew and ebony

Size: 175x 85x 10mm 


The final in this trilogy of Hellboy inlays. Padauk, walnut and yew in ebony

Size: 175x 85x 10mm


A feature of all my inlay work (all inlay work in general really) is how the use of different woods work together with the deep black of ebony. This graphic novel Batman inlay is cut from walnut, ovangkol and yew, the black ebony is used to provide the dark shadow and feel of the piece

Size: 175x 85x 10mm


Size: 175x 85x 10mm