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Jack recommends podcasts worth listening to...

Hello and welcome to the first episode! I love podcasts, along with my music library and 6music, they provide the soundtrack to my inlay work and life. These podcasts are all definitely worth listening and subscribing to...

Love + Radio. So many great episodes here, I'd recommend starting with The Living Room or Insane vs. Unsane

The Infinite Monkey Cage. A lighthearted, humorous look at some simple, easy to understand physics and philosophical questions

THE ADAM BUXTON PODCAST. Ramble chat. Let's have a ramble chat. We'll focus first on this, then concentrate on that. Come on let's chew the fat and have a ramble chat. Put on your conversation coat and find your talking hat

This Is Actually Happening. What if you didn't believe in belief itself? What if you were not supposed to see this? What if you spent 15 hours on the edge of sanity? What if oral sex triggered a near death experience?

Serial. Adnan Syed either is or is not a murderer...

Untold: The Daniel Morgan Murder. If you got hooked on Serial then you'll love this

The Modern Mann. Like an audio version of the One Show, except infinitely less shit

The Allusionist. Etymology is an interesting word

No Such Thing As A Fish. Those QI elves are quite interesting

Freakonomics Radio. Is the world ready for a guaranteed basic income? - Yes, yes it is

Stuff You Should Know and Stuff To Blow Your Mind from HowStuffWorks.com. Chuck and Josh feel like my friends!